Riverside church of Christ - where the bible matters


RIverside Church of Christ

The church of Christ at Riverside is simply a group of Christians dedicated to serving God. We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is mankind's only guide. We are, therefore, committed to preaching the gospel of Christ without addition or subtraction, which is man's only hope for eternal life.

We are interested in helping if you are searching for the way of God, and welcome the opportunity to privately study the Bible with you. Please contact us; we would love to meet with you. In addition, you are invited to visit one of our public worship assemblies.

If we can be of any assistance toward your learning more about God and His word, please fill out the form below:

Biblical Teaching

We teach the doctrine of Jesus Christ, not some mere man.

We believe every Christian today owes their allegiance, their confession, to Christ, and not to any teacher of man's doctrines.

We have made a commitment to speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the Bible is silent. To call Bible things by Bible names and do Bible things in Bible ways.

We are not a denomination, but an assembly of Christians practicing New Testament Christianity without deviation, creed, or allegiance to modern theology.

Our Servants

Morne Stepanus, Our Minster

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